ESP B-1005 - Multiscale VS Standard Scale
I was curious to hear exactly the difference in tonality of my Multiscale and Standard 34" ESP B1005 basses so I recorded this video.
What do you guys think sounded better?
I also threw in tones using both the...
What do you guys think sounded better?
I also threw in tones using both the...
ESP LTD Deluxe Phoenix 1000 demo/review!
Hey everyone! Here's a demo/review of my beautiful LTD Deluxe Phoenix 1000 through a couple of tube amps. I really love this guitar a lot because of it's sound, playability and unique looks! It's freakin' awesome!...
This Glorious Nightmare by Unearth
Playing along with one of my favorite songs from my favorite band on my Buz-7!...
Jam with Ola Englund
Jam with Ola Englund - Heavy Riffs - Groove Metal - Using my ESP Viper standard series guitar loaded with EMG 81 / 85
Check ▶ ...
SoundLab PH | Dying Manifesto - Leatherneck (Guitar Playthrough) S01E03
Neil Fernandez Jr of Dying Manifesto using EC1000 STBC...
Deftones - Ceremony (Guitar Cover)
Jamming one of my favourite tracks from the latest Deftones record on my Stef B8!
Hit me a follow on YouTube and Instagram for more video content ...
Hit me a follow on YouTube and Instagram for more video content ...
Helloween - Push (cover)
Hi! Home studio's not ready to put on originals. Meanwhile, having fun covering Helloween's Push song on my Horizon FR-II !! !!...
Odinson Music /// Halloween Theme Cover
This is my cover of the classic theme from Halloween. With the new movie just being released, what better time to cover this staple of All Hallows Eve! The Halloween Movie trailer was originally produced and released by...
Raf with his 2013 ESP Standard Series SV-II
2013 ESP Standard Series SV-II in urban camo. Loaded with Motor City Pickups Nukes. Straight into my PRS MT-15 into my Avatar Contemporary 212 cab with Eminence Legend V12s. Mic's with an ATM250DE into my Audient ID44...
Taetre - My Lament guitar cover
In 1997, the band Taetre released the album "The Art". A milestone record in melodic death metal that is severely underrated. Through all the years I've always kept it on rotation. For the first time I'm actually digging in...
'Dark Sun' (LTD Iron Cross)
Here's a new video with my trusty LTD Iron Cross. LOVE that guitar not only because of the looks but also the feel and sound. Incredible instrument! Sounds killer through my Peavey 6505! Hope you enjoy......
Rammstein - Deutschland - Instrumental Guitar cover by Robert Uludag/Commander Fordo FEAT. Dean on drums
Enjoy this amazing Instrumental cover of Rammstein - Deutschland by Guitarist Robert Uludag/Commander Fordo FEAT. Dean on the drums!
This video showcases the amazing heavy sound from the ESP LTD EC-1000 Vintage Black with...
LTD BW-1 Unveiling my new Giitar
Unveiling my new LTD BW-1. I got up at stupid o'clock for this, so show some love ...
Dio cover Last In Line
funny story about this. I had ordered this red burst EC-256 and it came in just I as I was getting ready to record this tune. Since the amp was plugged in and micd up I pulled the guitar out of the box to make sure it was...
Guitar Demo : LTD EC-256FM
Demo in the mix of this nice and affordable LTD EC-256. Playing a song of mine called "Purple Night Assault". Complete review coming soon !...
In Van Halen mode while a Les Paul Seymour Duncan
Dear ESP LT Heads
and erm I had kind of streak due Love issues. Was more in Van Halen mode. And so my lasses tough hardest racist polices around and were saved by EU forces.
I am such a one with UNHCR work reference...
ESP Eclipse silver sparkle
D Activator-X Bridge demo original song DiMarzio pickup demo ESP ltd ec1000 took out the EMG's replaced with DiMarzio's.Rob Favotto....