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Maybe it's not too late / To learn how to love / And forget how to hate - updated
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Jeff K.

Jeff K. uploaded the video ESP School of Metal Guitar: Episode 2 - Def Leppard

Jeff K.

Jeff K. uploaded the video Gergo Hajer: Monster Tones on the ESP Viper

Jeff K.

Jeff K. uploaded the video Jongha Jeong on the LTD Deluxe Arrow-1000

Jeff K.

Jeff K. uploaded the video ESP School of Metal Guitar: Episode 1 - Black Metal

Jeff K.

Jeff K. uploaded the video LTD Horizon Custom '87 Demo by Brett Vaughn

Jeff K.

Jeff K. uploaded the video Gaerea: "Hope Shatters"

Monique Dunn

Any Plans for new stuff for 2020 

Jeff K.

Yes, many plans.  

Tom B.

Plans for 2021?



Paul B.

Thanks for the add

Mike Repel of Riotous Indignation

Thanks for the add Jeff.

Steven Cooper

Rock on bro.

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