Hey Pushead.......

Hey Pushead.......

Got your name on one of these yet??


A little birdy has told me that there is a "high likelyhood" that there will be STGreen and STPurple E-II Eclipses this summer NAMM. So I'm saving my banana peels for those at the moment. But if that purple sparkle is the same as the KH sig purple, I'm sure one of these will show up at Pus' Home for Wayward Guitars at some point.

But all the photos make it look lighter purple, almost pink, compared to the KH sig.

Nathan S.

I really like the see thru purple also, not a big green fan myself. Their pics of the purple sparkle definitely appear lighter than the KH, but I'm still diggin it haha!


The double binding is nice, but I'm surprised they went with the old neck joint. I'm wondering if they've just photoshopped the finish on an old mockup (especially since it has the ESP logo at the 12th) or if that's how they're going to keep it.

*edit - Just checked the product page and the DB vintage black from last year also shows an older neck joint as well.

It's not an issue to me, just curious.

Road King

Oh wow, it's almost like ESP has me making decisions for finishes this year. I will pay many Litecoins for this product.

Nathan S.

I wouldn't care about the neck joint, although the new one would be nice. I like the double binding, wish they wouldn't do the belly cutaway on it though. 

RK, are you secretly on the design team??

Road King

Yeah. My proposal was sparkles, sparkles everywhere. And then the luthiers called me and said, "Please Mr. RK, it's too many sparkles. We can't handle the sparkles." And I said "No, we must have more sparkles." We compromised on having the hardware and case unblinged.



I think I'd chrome out the purple sparkle, too.

Road King

That thing is clean! I really think you need the purple one to compliment it.




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