
Hi guys,

I'm still looking for my first ESP, and just find something interesting, an ESP MX250 on reverb, ,

Price, 4500€, so it should be something like 5000$ I guess... Is it too expensive, is it the regular price ? I'm looking for your experts advise ! 

Thanks all !


That is around the correct price.  i have bought from that seller before, is he very good.


Keep in mind shipping costs and any import tax for your country as well as well.


Hi Quentin,

This is the correct price range.  I have one that I could maybe sell soon, and it would be around 4,5 and 5K euro.

This will be your first ESP, so congrats ;-)  But don't forget that in that price range, you have many many other possibilities in the ESP Signatures.  If you absolutely want a MX, go for it :-)

Best regards


Im interested pm me please

Lluis  A.

In the past i wantes to sell my white MX... then stopped, but if you are interested in a white one just DM me


what a fu**ing guitar! Love it!


Is it the artic white or the vintage cream/white colour?  and how much?

ESP 348

That is an awesome MX250 and would make for an awesome first ESP guitar! I say go for it also Quentin!


Thank you all for your answers! 

I'm looking for a 'tallica guitar, so this could be this one, or why not a KH vintage I don't know, time will tell 


I don't know this seller - but this KH2 Vintage been on my watch list for a while. If I hadn't just put money into an MX250 I might consider getting it. 

My KH2 SE is a K serial from the Kiso shop, and it's freaking awesome. Not sure what other more seasoned collectors on this forum think. GL with your search for the perfect first Metallica guitar. I will warn you, it's addictive and hard to stop at just 1

Emma B.

The price of this device is not that high, I think you should look to buy it somewhere else with a more reasonable price. slither io

fnaf b.

This is incredible! We can greatly profit from your fantastic and informative post! We truly appreciate you taking the time to share with us. Have a nice time with poppy playtime free. 

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