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Egitel updated his profile


Egitel designed a M-I FR-DLX - Egitel

M-I FR-DLX - Egitel

Egitel designed a M-II NTB FR - Egitel

M-II NTB FR - Egitel

Egitel designed a M-I FR-DLX - Egitel

M-I FR-DLX - Egitel

Egitel replied to the forum post Serial Number Check?

Okay, I believe I figured out what's going on with that last guitar. It's not a "fake" exactly, it seems to be a real M-300 from 2003. Just found a 2002 LTD M-1000 on eBay that appears to be marked the same way on the......MORE »

Egitel replied to the forum post Serial Number Check?

So if I understand correctly, this guitar was built in China on the 1st day of the 8th week of 2010 and it was the 465th of its line built? Or more likely the 65th built, and the 4 means something different? Because 465 would......MORE »

Egitel replied to the forum post Serial Number Check?

Hello! Does this seem like a fake to anyone else? The guitar is advertised as an M-300 that was supposedly bought new by the poster of the ad in 2012, which would indicate to me that it was built in 2011-2012. Maybe even......MORE »

Egitel liked the comment on E-II M-II

Hey Egitel, it depends.  There is a great range of lemon oil based products and each use their own concentration of lemon oil within.  Pure lemon oil is a bit harsh for most fingerboards but the guitar formulated stuff should......MORE »
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