Jeremy D.

I'm considering purchasing another EC-10 or the Viper-10. I'm concerned about the quality and construction of the "Engineered Hardwood" that's now being used on the fingerboards on the cheaper models. My current EC-10 is rosewood. Does anyone know anything about it?

Carl N.

Hey Jeremy, for beginning guitarists that cannot differentiate the tonal characteristics or feel between different tone woods this shouldn't cause concern though if you feel you are ready to move up within our line I would recommend the 256 series instruments.

Jeremy D.

This doesn't answer my question. Given the "customer service" I have received from ESP from several sources I will be selling my ESP and purchasing another brand.

Carl N.

Hey Jeremy, sorry you feel that way, if you need our customer service department they can be reached at  

F Davies.

Just for giggles here's a photo the 24-fret 6-channel solid-body classical guitar I make.
...I'd be interested in seeing it produced by a known maker of guitars, ...I believe it's the best in the world of its kind.

...And then forgot to attach as usual.  LOL

24-fret 6-channel solid-body classical guitar. FJDCEG
F Davies.

Thanks Carl, but aside from not having done this before I'm very well equipped and skilled.  I have a shop that includes machine tools and even injection molding.
What I'd like would be some simple instructions, or finished dimensions etc.  I'm going to have to compensate for an angled neck and all I've located is a routing diagram intended for other instruments which don't have a tunematic bridge.

Other luthiers have successfully done this.

Carl N.

Fair enough Davies, unfortunately we do not have any materials that go along with the construction or modification of instruments.  Floyd Rose should have all the necessary documentation to go along with the setup of their bridges but I don't believe they have any step by step instructions to walk you through this process.  Regardless they would be your best source for this type of modification.

F Davies.

Thanks again Carl.  Floyd Rose likewise has been of little help.  "Kind of surprising" ...if you asked me.
They offered only the same routing diagram.
My best guess is that I need to only change the angle and depth of the routing slightly.
Knowing the difference in neck angle between the EC10 and an instrument suitable for the retrofit would help.
ESP previously replied that the EC10 neck was set at an angle of 1%.  A strange dimension for angles and perhaps they meant 1° or even 3.6° (if a percent of 360°.)

Just for giggles here's a photo the 24-fret 6-channel solid-body classical guitar I make.
...I'd be interested in seeing it produced by a known maker of guitars, ...I believe it's the best in the world of its kind.

F Davies.

I'd like to put a Floyd Rose special on mine. 
I have the tremolo but it came with zero instructions.
ANY help would be appreciated.
No complaints regarding the EC10.

Carl N.

Hey Davies, installing a Floyd Rose on an instrument previously built without one is not the simplest of tasks, I'd recommend taking your instrument to a professional technician in order to have this performed to prevent any unwanted damage to your instrument.


Curious, The EC10 has a deep body contour.  Is there a reason for this or just trying to be different?  

Carl N.

Hey Aiden, contours in this area help with access to the notes at the end of the fingerboard.

Jeremy D.

I don't find this guitar comfortable to play sitting down. It doesn't rest comfortably and the point digs into my leg. Other than a few minor quality issues it's been good. I have owned it for nearly 10 years.

Carl N.

Hey Jeremy, I believe you may be playing seated with the instrument over your right leg, correct?  I can see the horn of this instrument going into your leg if they are too close together in this position.  I would recommend trying to play with this seated on your left leg, this will also help you stabilize the instrument better and will allow you easier access to the higher frets.  Glad you have been enjoying your EC!

Jeremy D.

Thanks Carl. Yes I was playing with the guitar sitting on my right leg, it feels unnatural having it on my left leg as I have to reach much further on the lower frets. I now play standing which took some adjustment but I find it much better.

Devon S.

I picked this guitar up because I wanted something cheap to mod, and it sounded pretty good when I first got it, but I let it sit for about a week and didn't play it, and when I picked it up again it was really buzzy. Turns out, the nut wasn't glued down that well and came loose, but once I put a 0 fret and a new nut on there it sounded pretty good.

The LH 100 pickups sound pretty good too

Todd B. ESP

Hi Devon, Thanks for sharing your comments and feedback here. Sorry that you experienced a problem but we're happy that you were able to get it solved. Glad you like the sound of pickups!

Joseph F.

Does this guitar go out of frequently? I mean going out of tune like every 5 minutes or every bending the strings? But tuning the guitar up everyday for once not problem for me

Todd B. ESP

Hi Joseph, For any guitar to stay in tune, the guitar must be setup properly with new strings, and the hardware such as tuning machines, neck plates and bridges must be secure to the body. Finally the strings need to be stretched , nut slots need to be smooth without the string catching in the slot. Once all those things are confirmed, the guitar will stay in tune better. SO we always recommend getting your guitar properly setup in order to function well. If your tuning is going out frequently then it tells me the something may be loose or your strings are old.  Keep in mind, that some of the best guitars will go out of tune. It depends on how much you are bending the strings and how hard you are pressing the strings and hitting the strings.


When I bought my EC-10 from Guitar Center, It didn't come with a gig bag. Is that because the price was $20 cheaper than what's listed here? Is this normal?

I bought it online and they shipped it to me. The ESP box looked like it was unopened but I guess it could've been. Just wondering.

(Edit: Wanted you to know that I'm not complaining, I love the guitar. I am very happy with it and I don't need a gig bag. Just curious)

Todd B. ESP

Hi Tyger, Thanks for posting your question here. Yes GC has their own exclusive version of this model which they sell and it does not come with a gig bag. Ours does come with  a gig bag, but it is a very basic one. I would say that you might be happier in the long run to purchase a premium gig bag for transporting your guitar in case you want to. We're happy to hear that you like your guitar!

Isaac T.

Is there a snow white variant of the EC-10?

Todd B. ESP

Hi Isaac, Sorry there is not a SW version.

Chase D.

My guitar doesn’t have the model on the neck what does that mean also with a fender champion amp and this guitar can I get a decent Metallica tone out of it

Todd B. ESP

Hi Chase, We have been removing model names from the fingerboard. so  you received our most up to date version (we still have to update our website photo). I think a key thing to getting Metallica's tone is using EMG active pickups and a good quality amp with high gain. You should probably try using some distortion foot pedal or effects on top of your amp. I suggest going on our ESP Forum and you can get more suggestions from our users on getting good tones. good luck.

Matthew B.

Very nice guitar indeed. Question - can the EC-10 fit in the EC Guitar Form-Fit Case (e.g. the one included with the Ltd James Hetfield Iron Cross)?

Todd B. ESP

Hi Matthew, Yes the EC-10 has the same body perimeter but it is a thinner body without arch. It will fit in this case if you would like a hardshell case.

Vítor F. C.

Are the EC-50 out of line? And the new EC-10 with hardwood fingerboard as good as the EC-50?

Todd B. ESP

Hi Vitor, Yes the 50 series have been discontinued. The 10 series are very similar but more affordable. The fingerboard is used as a substitution for rosewood. It is a good alternative and comparable to the EC-50.