Jeremy D.

I'm considering purchasing another EC-10 or the Viper-10. I'm concerned about the quality and construction of the "Engineered Hardwood" that's now being used on the fingerboards on the cheaper models. My current EC-10 is rosewood. Does anyone know anything about it?

Carl N.

Hey Jeremy, for beginning guitarists that cannot differentiate the tonal characteristics or feel between different tone woods this shouldn't cause concern though if you feel you are ready to move up within our line I would recommend the 256 series instruments.

Jeremy D.

This doesn't answer my question. Given the "customer service" I have received from ESP from several sources I will be selling my ESP and purchasing another brand.

Carl N.

Hey Jeremy, sorry you feel that way, if you need our customer service department they can be reached at  

F Davies.

Just for giggles here's a photo the 24-fret 6-channel solid-body classical guitar I make.
...I'd be interested in seeing it produced by a known maker of guitars, ...I believe it's the best in the world of its kind.

...And then forgot to attach as usual.  LOL

24-fret 6-channel solid-body classical guitar. FJDCEG
F Davies.

Thanks Carl, but aside from not having done this before I'm very well equipped and skilled.  I have a shop that includes machine tools and even injection molding.
What I'd like would be some simple instructions, or finished dimensions etc.  I'm going to have to compensate for an angled neck and all I've located is a routing diagram intended for other instruments which don't have a tunematic bridge.

Other luthiers have successfully done this.

Carl N.

Fair enough Davies, unfortunately we do not have any materials that go along with the construction or modification of instruments.  Floyd Rose should have all the necessary documentation to go along with the setup of their bridges but I don't believe they have any step by step instructions to walk you through this process.  Regardless they would be your best source for this type of modification.

F Davies.

Thanks again Carl.  Floyd Rose likewise has been of little help.  "Kind of surprising" ...if you asked me.
They offered only the same routing diagram.
My best guess is that I need to only change the angle and depth of the routing slightly.
Knowing the difference in neck angle between the EC10 and an instrument suitable for the retrofit would help.
ESP previously replied that the EC10 neck was set at an angle of 1%.  A strange dimension for angles and perhaps they meant 1° or even 3.6° (if a percent of 360°.)

Just for giggles here's a photo the 24-fret 6-channel solid-body classical guitar I make.
...I'd be interested in seeing it produced by a known maker of guitars, ...I believe it's the best in the world of its kind.

F Davies.

I'd like to put a Floyd Rose special on mine. 
I have the tremolo but it came with zero instructions.
ANY help would be appreciated.
No complaints regarding the EC10.

Carl N.

Hey Davies, installing a Floyd Rose on an instrument previously built without one is not the simplest of tasks, I'd recommend taking your instrument to a professional technician in order to have this performed to prevent any unwanted damage to your instrument.


Curious, The EC10 has a deep body contour.  Is there a reason for this or just trying to be different?  

Carl N.

Hey Aiden, contours in this area help with access to the notes at the end of the fingerboard.