Dirk V.

Hello ESP,


I have 3 questions 

1. When I received this guitar it said it came with a form fit case, but it didn’t. I kind of need one but I can’t afford nor buy one really where I live (Holland). Can you help me out?


2. Is there a difference in (darkness) of the ebony fretboard between the ESP custom shop and the LTD?


3. Do you have any info on whether James removed the finish of the neck on (one of) his [snow white] snakebyte? It’s seems as if he did but I don’t have any confirmation yet.





Todd B. ESP

Hi Dirk, We only started selling LTD signature models with case starting this year. You will need to check with your dealer or distributor if your guitar was supposed to come with case or not (there is a lower price for last year's model without case).

The darkness of fingerboards can vary from model to model, but generally the ESP custom shop will be a darker ebony compared to the LTD.

For your last question I cannot confirm it exactly but I have seen at least one of his guitars with the neck finish sanded down, however I'm not sure if it was the Snow white one. One word of caution: I always advise against sanding down the neck finish because if you sand too much you can actually make the neck weaker by either removing too much wood or finish.

ben p.

Is the Snow White finish coated with Nitro or Poly? Trying to get an idea of how quickly it will yellow 

Todd B. ESP

Hi ben, We do not use any Nitro (laquer) finishes. This model and all production model LTD use Polyurethane. Generally pure white finishes can turn slightly yellow in time but shouldn't ever be drastic.

Mark M.

Which country is this guitar made in?

Todd B. ESP

Hello Mark, We currently build this in Indonesia and Korea.

mohammed m.

Hello, i recently order the ltd snakebyte from my local distributor. Can you please tell me the gauge and type of strings that the ltd snakebyte comes with (the esp faq page sais D'Addario 10s for non trem 6 strings, but seeing as this is a signature series it may have different type/gauge installed.

thanks in advance.

Caden R.

I know james plays with the Earnie ball power slinky 11-48 set. I personally really like Earnie ball paradigm 11-48. It’s basically just what your preference is. 

Todd B. ESP

Hello Mohammed, sorry for replying late to your question. We do use standard gauge D'Addario XL110 (.010/.013/.017/.026/.036/.046).

Michael L.

My kind of guitar is the singlecut one but, well i made an exception with this modern Explorer-like shape. And do you know what ? You can play other metals riffs that those of metallica. It's works too (LOL).

I just hope that the white color is not going to go yellow in time (Have you information on this matter ?)

Todd B. ESP

Hi Michael, Thanks for your question. It is common for white and other very light colors to turn slightly yellow with age due to the properties of polyurethane paints which are used for most guitar production. That being said, you should never notice any drastic change in color.