Aaron  S.

Hi Todd, 

Hope you're well. I've had my Snakebyte for 8 years now and I've worn through pretty much all the components (it's my daily driver). I've especially destroyed the TOM piece (specifically the saddles, photo attached).

Mine is the original run LTD Snakebyte with the EMG 81/60 & Sperzels instead of the Het set & ESP tuners. Hell of a guitar man, I even removed the paint off the neck for a better feel (way before James did his). Man it's a beast! I've taken it to hell and back and it is still here chugging along. 

Anyway, my question is, could you tell me exactly what model of Tonepros TOM is on this model? I'm getting a replacement saddle set from Graphtec (their self lubricating ones are amazing) and I'd like to be sure of which exact model it is before dropping some cash on it.

I'm refinishing the guitar with some custom artwork (Cthulhu answearing a call with a comic speech bubble, or that's the idea anyway) and as such, all the parts are being switched out for new ones. Will share photos once it's done.

Thanks in advance, Todd & the folks over at ESP!

Best regards, 



Todd B. ESP

Hey Aaron, wow!! Look at that bridge! That sure has seen some use over the years for sure. We use the Tonepros Metric bridge and tailpiece with the large posts. Here are the part numbers and links to Tonepros.  T3BT Bridge and T1Z Tailpiece. They sell individually or as a set. Here is the page for their set: https://tonepros.com/lpm02-tonepros-metric-tuneomatictailpiece-set-large-posts/

Thank you for sharing your story and photos. It's always great to hear these stories and we really appreciate your feedback.

ben p.

I recently purchased this guitar. I'm planning on upgrading the LTD Locking Tuners for Sperzel Locking tuners like the ESP version has. Am I able to just swap them out or do I have to modify it to make them fit? About half my guitars have Sperzel already installed, so I'd like this one to as well. 

Todd B. ESP

Hi Ben, you will only need to drill a new hole for the pin on a Sperzel which uses one pin in the center compared to the LTD which uses 2 pins on the outside part under the housing.  You also may need to fill the old holes with a dowel.

Luke S.

Hi, really want to buy one of these do you send them around world wide? and is it only rent can i purchase instead?

Todd B. ESP

Hi Luke, Our direct sales from our website are only for the US. If you live outside the US, please contact your local distributor or nearest dealer for your pricing. Here is a link to our distributor page: https://www.espguitars.com/locations?categories=intl-distributors   


Recently i just bought a ESP LTD SNAKEBYTE, and i was goofing around and open up my back plate. Only to realise that the emg wiring kit is soldered to the pots. As to my understanding, EMG uses solderless wiring kit, and have a bus port or something whatever they wanna call it. But mine is without those. Is there much difference in sound on whether i use the solderless or soldered wiring kit? Someone please enlighten me, thanks.

John H.

Guitar should sound the same, the solderless connections are more for convenience than anything else. It allows you to replace components on the guitar without having to solder which makes it quicker to swap them out plus no cold solder joints to worry about too. 

Todd B. ESP

Thanks John!

Todd B. ESP

HI Amirrul, We still use solder connections for most of our LTD products. There will be no sound difference at all. As John stated, the solderless connections are something EMG came up with to make it more convenient for swapping parts and "wiring" up guitars for the end user, but for a large scale factory environment, traditional solder connections are still primarily the way electronics are assembled. We do use solderless EMG components however, in our E-II and ESP USA & ESP Custom shop brands.

Arnnav G.

Hi, does the snow white version come with a glossy neck or a satin neck ?

Dirk V.

Glossy, Snow White Neck 

Todd B. ESP

Hi Arnnav, sorry for the late reply here. Yes it is glossy just the same as the body finish.