Paul S.


Hi Esp. 

This sucks! I’m in the UK so the Snakebyte’s are pretty scarce.
Anyway I’ve been trying since december to get a good one.. this is the 3rd.. plagued with QC issues, at least over the pond here, and its gutting. 

This arrived today from a major chain and authorised dealer, and it was brand new apparently just in from the UK supplier... 

I mean, I have better quality photos but I’ll explain. 

Theres a crack running from the nut down across the neck, and the whole area feels rough as though its laden with overspray. 

There are similar finish cracks across the body in various places. 

The nut itself is cut way too low on the bass strings. Its buzzing like crazy, open or fretted. 

The fretboard is just a huge mess. There are random holes all over it, which from my research appear to be worm holes?? 

There are tooling marks across the length of it, with what looks like a tear off of the end next to the neck pup, and some of the frets themselves have been polished so roughly they look like they’ve had a years use. 

The authorised dealer told me this was on order from their supplier, and so the day the store got it they sent it to me. (Friday just gone). 

These usually come wrapped in the foam bag/sheath and with a little foam disc over the selector switch, but this one had neither. 

It also has a random half torn sticker with 13 written on it on the backplate?! What the hell.. 


I mean obviously I’ll have to contact the dealer and send it back, but its so gutting. Hardly anywhere in the UK has any in stock so its next to impossible to find a replacement. 

Even so, this is the 3rd one I’ve tried.. sucks because I really dont want to give up on owning an Explorer, and in white! 

I believe I have some pictures of the 2nd I tried somewhere too. That was a Korean 2019 made model. 

This one is a 2020 Korean model. 

Dont know what to do :( 


Carl N.

Sorry you are having such trouble with this particular model, if you'd like to send these images to our customer service department at we can take a better look at it to see what is going on.  You may want to see about getting your next one from your local ESP distributor, the would import these models into your region for your local ESP dealers.

Paul S.

Thanks for your reply Carl. 

Yeah I did contact them earlier in the week but they said as I’m in the Uk there isnt much they can assist with. 

I’ve since contacted Sound Service who are the Uk distributor however I’m not sure what they’ll be able to do either, as I don’t think they sell direct to customers, but I’m not 100% sure as I havent heard from them in the last couple of days.


Currently I’m waiting for the store who are an authorised Esp dealer to collect the guitar and issue a refund. 

They did mention they had another one on order from the supplier (Sound Service), but there is no ETA, and it would mean just waiting and hoping a better one turned up.


Thanks for the response though, I do appreciate it bud. 

Hopefully I’ll be able to land a good one soon.

Gerald K.

I recently received my brand new LTD Snakebyte, in White color.  I’ve noticed a thin, clear plastic film wrapped over both pick ups.  Do I need to take these off?  If so, I cannot easily take off the plastic because the plastic ends extend into the body of the EMG pick ups and will not easily pull out.  It feels like I’m going to pull up the EMGs as well!  I’ve attached a picture for further reference.  This one was made in Indonesia.


Carl N.

you can just pull them off, they protect the pickups from scratches till they reach the consumer


Can these be done custom like color, pu’s, hardware??? Hate to buy a used one to spend money to redo it if can be custom shop done thru you guys instead and done right. Thanks. 

Todd B. ESP

Hi Gary, thanks for your question. These signature models are sold as is, so it's not possible to change hardware or customize colors.

Nookster S.

Where is this guitar made?

Carl N.

Hey Nookster, these are currently produced in both Indonesia and Korea.  Hope this helps!


Hey there, please excuse the new account I had to make solely to comment, I’ve owned this guitar via second-hand purchase in Australia and a year back I accidentally screwed the pickup height whilst tightening the pickup guards, so I would *really* appreciate if i could get the default factory height for the pickups

Carl N.

Hey Cooper, EMGs can be set very close to the strings.  You can fret the instrument at the last fret and use this as a guide for setting pickup height.  If you're uncomfortable with this process I'd recommend having a technician setup your instrument for you.  Best of luck!