Jacob N.

This is by far the best guitar I've ever owned, I will probably never buy another epiphany again.

Adam K
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This color and hardware setup is really cool I would like to see this on an Arrow,  Ex , Eclipse,  MH and M series. The Cream and Gold always looks good. 

Clifford H.
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how the heck to you restring this guitar when the tuning pegs don't have actual holes that you run the strings through?

Kennett  B.
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What case type fits this guitar 

Lorenzo M.

It’s an incredible instrument, with an overall quality that you would find for a higher price with other brands.

the only thing is neck balance when playing standing: anybody found a way to keep the guitar  up?

Curt Redman

Hi mate. I found that a suede strap does the trick to grip onto your clothes at the shoulder. I used a Levy's one for years with my Viper that had neck dive. Personal preference now is I drill new strap holes, so I can have a more comfortable padded, leather strap for easier movement. I drill one further up the end of the body and put one the horn. I only recommend that if you're definately not going to sell though, as it'll most likely devalue your guitar!