Ingrid S.

Can you please add a floyd rose tremolo system to the guitar 

Carl N.

Thanks for the suggestion!

David L.

Is this guitar currently in stock?

Carl N.

You can add instruments to your cart to check availability otherwise you can reach out to your local ESP dealer to see what they may have on hand.

Pete M.

Is there a 7 string version of this guitar? PLEASE make one, its my dream guitar

Carl N.

No seven string versions of this model currently

Lorence B.

Is the finish on the neck for BM different than the others? The others have a gloss finish correct? Is the BM also a gloss finish?



Lorence B.

Sorry... I realized this is satin finish with some more reading. My mistake! 

Blake C.

Will there be a left handed version of this model eventually? I have the ec black metal and it’s dope, but this body shape, pickup, and scale length are even more to my taste so I’d love to get one of these if lefties are made 

Carl N.

So far just planning to produce the white Phoenix in left handed for 2020.

Alexander K.

Second this! I would snag this immediately if it comes available in lefty. Perfect specs!

Carl N.

thanks for the insight