Schuyler A.

I just got a Demonology as my first LTD, and I couldn’t be more pleased.  It’s built very well, the fret work is impressive, and it plays and sounds great.  I was a little worried that the Bone Breakers would be overly tame compared to the standard EMG models on which they’re based, but they can do basically the same things and then some.  They have a little more complexity and a richer midrange.  This Hammett fellow has good taste.

Schuyler A.
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I like Kirk Hammett, but I mainly bought the LTD Demonology because it seemed like the best combination of features, quality, price, and availability when I was ready to buy.  It plays every bit as good as my fixed-bridge USA Select and high-end Floyded import Soloists from the early 2000s.  The fretwork is fantastic, and the whole instrument is just about as solid as a guitar with a recessed Floyd gets.  It probably rivals my old JEM as the best floating-trem guitar I’ve ever owned, though the construction and feel are definitely more Soloist.

     And it sounds so frickin’ good.  EMG say they have tweaked the preamps slightly in the Bone Breakers as compared to the 81 and the 60A, and while they claim the differences are subtle, I feel like the bridge model is noticeably less compressed and more versatile than the 81.  It cleans up nicer and seems to cover more ground as you use different amp tones and playing styles.

     This is my first guitar from the ESP group, and I’m very impressed.  I think my attention as I consider future purchases will naturally migrate from a couple of old standby brands towards high-end LTD.

Gaets A.

Best guitar I have ever played. And I own an Amercan hand made strat among my 7 guitars.   This LTD plays like a 5000$ instrument 

Mathew P.
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I don't have this particular model but I do own a KH602 and KH202 both of which are awesome guitars with the KH602 my go to guitar as it's no only versatile with wicked tonal characteristics but such an easy and beautiful guitar to play and in regards to Kirk's Demonology it's the one guitar I'd sell my soul to own so I'm wondering if the Demonology is available for purchase in Australia?

Matt B.

Thanks for making this in a lefty model. Bought it immediately. Not all that into Metallica,,, just really excited to see a lefty model that isn't flat black... or some other generic bore. Really... THANK YOU.

David  B.

 I love is guitars 

Sol C.

i also love is guitars

Zeke D.

I love is guitars as well

Rick S.

i love is guitars too

Josh S.


Recently I bought this guitar for left-handed, in an online store, after checking the guitar,  the inlays (skulls) are upside down !

Any advice ?


Thank you

Carl N.

you could either work with your dealer or our service department

Şenol B.

Hey there. I had this guitar last year. It's all great but i had some problems with the floyd rose 1000 bridge. I want to upgrade it with an original floyd rose just like the ESP one has. But can you help me to chose the correct nut width? Which one I have to choose R2, R3 or R4? 

Carl N.

This instrument would use a 42mm nut, if you need further assistance you can reach our customer service department at

randy v.


Xavier E.

Hey quick question are the high frets sculpt?

Todd B. ESP

Hi Xavier, No, the fingerboard is not scalloped on this model. We do that on ESP Custom shop for Kirk but not for this production model.


Quick question, how many of these were offered in left hand worldwide? 

Carl N.

These were a regular production item so this model was not limited to a specific amount.


not sure if you are USA or Canada but there is one in canada for sale through Long and McQuade Music store which is a very large chain store... at Pickering ontario for 1869. canadian dollars as of January 5th 2020 left handed. @soulessghost

Robert D.

I have acquired two of the KH Signature Ouija's and I can't begin to tell you how horrible the cases are... I can't believe that ESP would even go to China to have these made.  They are terrible... For the price and a Signature model you'd think they would be higher quality.  There's glue around the corners.  The material inside isn't even glued properly and some areas the glue has either been missed or has worn off.  Seriously disappointed... And these are the 666 and 500 limited edition versions... ESP I feel you guys are going down a bad path.  Once your each the bottom climbing back up is a lot harder.  

Carl N.

Hey Robert, sorry you're having a bad experience, you can always reach out to our customer service team at if you need assistance.

chris a.

When did you all add the EMG's with the green writing on them? I have the Demonology one with the 81 with the silver EMG and the one with the dull EMG I think it's the bone breaker


Todd B. ESP

Hi Chris, We started using the new Bone Breakers signature pickups last year. It sounds like you have the 81/60 set which was used previously.

Arya R.

Hi, how long does it usually take to build this guitar? and If my local ESP dealer doesn't stock this guitar in its shop can I order this from that local dealer? sorry for the bad English I hope you get what I said. Thanks!

Todd B. ESP

Hi Arya, THis item is usually in stock or on order. If you are not in the US please check with your nearest distributor.

 Here is a link to our distributor page:

Peter F.

I have one for sale 

dylan b.

Hi, so I'm thinking about getting this guitar but I can't tell if it comes with emg bonebreakers or a set of 81's and 60's. The picture shows 81's and 60's, the description says that it is a set of 81's and 60's, but the specifications say it has bonebreakers. Very confusing. Can someone tell me what pickups it actually comes with?

Todd B. ESP

Hi Dylan, thanks for pointing out these discrepancies. We first released this model with 81/60, and after we had been producing this model, Kirk and EMG released the new Bone Breaker set so we have been working on switching over to the new pickups. We are now building these with Bone Breaker pickup set.  So the photo is old and needs to be updated. We will update the spec and photo asap.


Are you planing new ESP/LTD KH style?

I’m asking because I wanted to get the Ouija, and the local store just sold the last one...


Todd B. ESP

Hi Lior, no plans currently but sure is a possibility in the future.

Peter F.

Again I have one for sale.Never played

Ian Z.

What is the finish like on the neck? Is it glossy, or more satin?

Todd B. ESP

Hi Ian, it's glossy

Ian Z.

Thanks for the reply.

Cristian A.

how many models exist in the world?

Todd B. ESP

Hi Cristian, There is no exact number on these but it has been a production model for 2 years so there are a few hundred at least and we still are making them.