Do you have these instock ready to ship or delayed? My preferred dealer has been out and I need a case.

Carl N.

These can currently be added to your cart, otherwise you could request for your dealer to order one for you if they are out.

Mohammad Faizal R.

Can it be shipped to Singapore? As the dealer in SG are not carrying anymore of the Hardcase.

Carl N.

you would need to contact your local ESP distributor for importing instruments into your region

Bruce W. T.

Is there a hard case made for a left handed 256 ?

Carl N.

Hey Bruce, this case fits all 6-string and 7-string ESP and E-II Eclipse and LTD EC series guitars, including both right- and left-hand models.

Charles C.

Will this fit an ec-10?

Carl N.

Hey Charles, this fits all 6-string and 7-string ESP and E-II Eclipse and LTD EC series guitars.  Only ones that will not fit will be baritone and 8 string models.

Gabriel G.

Would an LTD EC-1007 ET fit in this type of case?

Carl N.

Hey Gabriel, yes this will fit all standard scale length six and seven string eclipse instruments.