Peter W.

I wasn't really an ESP either the same til I played an Ltd F400 and then bought it. Sold it on as i didn't really play 6 strings much but recently bought an ESP Standard Series Horizon 7. It is a left handed one of a kind in transparent greenn and it is hands down the best guitar I have ever played and I have rarely touched my Schecter since. Horizons are incredible and I honestlyn cannot find anything I don't like about mine


have to say i was a ibanez player and then the local music store said have ya played and esp, and i said i dont like them because every metal guitarist plays them... Then i played a horizon fr2 and i fell in love.. now i have 3 esp's and 2 of them are horizons and the other an eclipse. The best guitars i have ever played 

Erlend M.

The Horizon is, in my honest opinion, one of the greatest sounding guitars ever. It beats any Fender CS or Gibson Les Paul Custom i've ever tried.


Edu Junior

Hey fellas! I'm here!!!