Intecer A.

just started playing guitar.. it's been 1 year and some months only... working on it hard... 

mike p.

just keep at it bro i strarted when i was 8 yrs old the more you play the better you,ll get

Peter W.

Nice. Stick at it. There's all sorts of good tutorial stuff online nowadays that can help you along the way.


Hi there! I'm Daniel, and I play guitar since I was 8, now I'm 23 and play every-single-day of my life!

Eet Fuk

15 years of playing guitar, 2 moths of playing ESP. 


Visit me on YouTube "MaxmGuitar" !Hey That's My ESP LTD M-10 :D And The Song With You by Jaded Heart :D Leave a comment and Abo me :P



hi from Madagascar!! well, my first guitar was a gift, an Epiphone les Paul bought in Japan 5 years ago, since then, i wanted to test as many kind as possible, so after the les paul, there was an SG, an ES 335, (all from epiphone), then came the ibanez, GSA, the SA and an RG, i discovered ESP LTD guitars with an EX 50, loaded with the LH 150, i was a bit surprised by these pickups, especially the neck one!!! they were damn good!!! so, as a fan of les paul shaped guitar, i decided to buy en EC with LH 150, then came the EC 256!! what a versatile guitar, all the sounds were nice!!! from the splitted coil sound on clean mode to the high gain humbucker sound, astonishing for the price!!! then i wanted to upgrade my les paul, so i loaded her with a Dimarzio Petrucci on the neck position, and an EMG ALX on the bridge (yes, weird configuration), i pretty liked the EMG sound (though the cleans are ... so so), so i decided that my next guitar would be an EC loaded with EMGs!! now i live with an EC 401, really happy with her :)